Solinst Direct Read Cable for 5-Series Leveloggers
To obtain real-time data and interact with Leveloggers without taking them out of the water, L5 Direct Read Cables can be utilized. This arrangement allows for data access, downloading, and programming on-site using a portable PC, DataGrabber 5, or the Solinst Levelogger 5 App Interface.
Additionally, Leveloggers can be linked to an SDI-12 datalogger through the Solinst SDI-12 Interface Cable, which is connected to an L5 Direct Read Cable.
L5 Direct Read Cables are suitable for any Levelogger and are available in lengths reaching up to 1500 feet. The 3.175 mm diameter (1/8") coaxial cable is equipped with a strong polyurethane outer jacket and features a stranded stainless steel conductor to ensure accurate, non-stretch performance.
Regular price$89.00